

Our mission is to fight against Infectious Diseases in the Kingdom and to improve the health of our children through enhanced prevention, improved diagnosis, support for research in the field of infectious diseases and increase public awareness.

This will be achieved by:

  • Promoting childhood vaccines and Infection Prevention.
  • Raising awareness of Pediatric Infectious Disease problems.
  • Family and community support on Pediatric Infectious Disease issues.
  • Support basic and clinical research in areas related to pediatric Infectious Diseases.
  • Continuous medical education and faculty development in areas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
  • Participate in the training of Fellows in the field of Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
  • Improve overall childhood health by participation in national and international events.
  • Work with governmental and non-governmental bodies to promote the health of our children and advance the area of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention.


  • The Saudi population are close to 30 million, with approximately 37 percent of the Saudi population is below the age of 14. Infant and Children are particularly vulnerable to get various type of infections, and take a relatively high share of the disease burden.
  • The SPIDS vision is to fight against infection diseases and control of infectious and communicable diseases in the kingdom and vows to build a healthier new generation in course of time as to build a nation free of infections.
  • With this vision, the Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society visualizes, to be a regional leader in the field of Pediatric Infectious Diseases by 2030.


  • To create and maintain a national network among healthcare providers with interest in the Infectious Disease Speciality.
  • To provide current knowledge on relevant practices to the Infectious Disease Specialty with a special focus on antimicrobial use and immunizations.
  • To provide current knowledge in the field of infection control.
  • To provide a platform to respond to inaccurate claims relevant to the specialty.
  • To organize regular annual scientific meetings.
  • To raise awareness on current and emerging pathogens.
  • To guide on family and community awareness with relevance to the specialty.
  • To support basic and clinical research in areas related to pediatric Infectious Diseases.